Pavel Bezdornov

Game developer

Frontend developer

Pavel Bezdornov

Game developer

Frontend developer

Age of Sky Traders

  • Type of project: No Commerce
  • Developer:

In Age of Sky Traders, the player takes on the role of a trader who flies their own airship between islands floating in the sky. The core mechanic of the game is speculating on goods. To earn gold, the player must buy goods in cities where they are cheaper and sell them where prices are higher.

Ships play a crucial role in the game. They are the only means for the player to travel through the sky between floating islands and, therefore, the only way to trade. The ship’s characteristics determine how far the player can travel. The starting ship can only fly between two start cities. Once the player acquires a more expensive ship, they can visit more distant cities and expand their trading area.

During flights between cities, the player may be attacked by pirates. The player can either escape by landing in any city or choose to engage in battle. In case of victory, the player earns gold, but in case of defeat and shipwreck, they will end up in the last city they flew over.

In this project, I applied the new knowledge gained from Lachlan Miller’s course on Vue 3 and the Composition API, as well as my experience working on the Jet Forces project. This knowledge and experience allowed me to create a game I had long wanted to play myself.

Technologies I have worked with: