Pavel Bezdornov

Game developer

Frontend developer

Pavel Bezdornov

Game developer

Frontend developer

Crazy Farm

  • Type of project: No Commerce
  • Developer:

A browser game in the genre of farm simulator in an original setting. The goal of the project was to master in practice all the necessary technologies for creating Web games and learn how to organize teamwork for these purposes. I managed to enlist the support of talented and passionate guys, and together we were able to organize teamwork and complete the project. Nine people from four countries: Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine and the USA contributed to the project. I participated in the project as: project leader, frontend developer, game designer, ui designer. During the work on the project, I was able to master the following things in practice:

  • Typescript
  • PIXI.js – static sprites, animated sprites, tile sprites, filters, particles, sounds, application settings.
  • Creating a project architecture from scratch and writing my own SPA framework
  • Writing my own framework based on PIXI.js
  • Working with Web Sockets
  • Testing with Jest
  • Optimizing graphics with TexturePacker
  • Text localization with i18next
  • Team management

Besides me, the following people worked on the game:

Mark Bezdronov (backend, game design), Ilya Melnichuk (character art of Gartenzius), Anastasia Revina (art, animation), Nikita Olenyuk (art, animation), Rufina Dyusheeva(UI/UX), Amirhan Saidov (game design, narrative design), Daniil Strelkov (testing), Zinaida Shiryayeva (translation into English).

Technologies I have worked with: